Automated Recommendations: Stop sifting, start solving.

Our AI solution analyzes dissatisfied customer conversations at scale and makes recommendations to transform your customer experience and improve customer satisfaction.

Our AI solution analyzes dissatisfied customer conversations at scale and makes recommendations to transform your customer experience and improve customer satisfaction.

Data-Crunching at Scale

Our model analyzes 100% of dissatisfied conversations and generates 3-5 meaningful recommendations related to those insights.

Filter by business area or dissatisfaction reason

For more specific recommendations, you can filter by business unit or queue, and/or by dissatisfaction reason.

Accompanied by an executive summary

Your recommendations are accompanied by an executive summary, so that ou can more easily make a business case for transformation.

Plus, customer intelligence shouldn't come at the cost of trust

Call Journey CI is committed to improving data democratization within your organization, allowing you to reap the benefits of shared intelligence while maintaining your compliance obligations.

We offer PCI and PII redaction, in-cloud, in-environment, or on-premise.

Call Journey CI vigilantly maintains comprehensive security controls, compliant with leading security frameworks including SOC 2, HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA, RegTech and Australian Fintech.

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