Banking, Lenders, and Credit Union

Alongside battling the growth of a disruptive digital marketplace, banks, lenders and credit unions are increasingly subject to strong and sweeping regulations around their conduct and culture. 

The clear message from regulators is “get your house in order.” Organizations need to be proactive in understanding what is happening internally, not defensive and reactive. 

Leaders are now investing in innovative technologies like automated credit underwriting, digital onboarding, blockchain, and enhanced data analytics to overcome industry challenges. 

How practices can be improved with data insights

With deep insights driving a better understanding of members and customers, improvements can be made in customer journeys, member experience, share of wallet, marketing ROI, cost to serve and revenue per member. 

With actionable data sourced from Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing, organizations can:  

  • Deep member relationships 

  • Meet the Digital Expectations of Customers 

  • Deal with Security Issues 

  • Be smarter with Marketing Efforts 

  • Train Employees 

  • Grow member share of wallet 

  • Manage culture and compliance 

Actionable Outcomes

Enhance NPS 

Predictive customer NPS → Enhanced customer insights 

Supercharge Customer Understanding 

Unified customer profile →  Improved and personalized customer approach.

Improve Marketing ROI 

Insights into triggers and events → to improve marketing ROI, selling opportunities and lead generation 

Increase Revenue 

Better understanding of customer journey, issues, and opportunities → More efficient and economical outcomes and increased revenue per customer 

Assess & Predict Customer Sentiment  

Deep, granular customer insights → Predictive customer experiences

Automate QA 

Comprehensive conduct, culture and compliance management → Avoidance of legal, reputational and financial risk. 

Real-time Employee Insights 

Real-time tracking of agent engagement → Improved agent performance and retention 

Understand Context 

Enhanced understanding of client and environmental context (e.g.  COVID-19)→ 
Informed decision-making

How A Leading American Bank Uses Call Journey Ci To Drive Business Efficiency

This case study explores how a leading American Bank utilized Call Journey CI for conversation analysis of customer conversations across voice and non-voice channels to identify and capitalize on 7 different categories for business improvement, resulting in a staggering $23 million in potential savings – just over $14m of that in tangible and directly measurable cost/business benefits.

A Credit Union’s Data-Driven Business Transformation

This case study explains how Call Journey helped a credit union save $7.5 million, just over $4.6m of that in tangible and directly measurable cost/business benefits.