People & Culture

People are the heartbeat of your organization

It’s no secret that a great customer experience is a direct outcome of employee engagement. When you support the well-being of your staff and invest enough time and effort into cultivating their skills, you’ll be able to see the results in your sales reports.

Not to mention, replacing employees due to high agent churn is a time-consuming and expensive process. When you provide a positive working environment with the opportunity for growth and development, you’ll be able to reap the benefits of increased staff retention – and save the money you’d otherwise be spending on hiring each year.

While all agents undergo similar training in an organization, not all retain knowledge at the same pace. VoiceAI allows you to take control of your agent performance by quickly revealing which representatives require additional training, letting managers know which areas need improvement and identifying best practices from your highest performing agents.

As a result, you can create targeted training programs that boost your agents’ confidence, improve their skills, reduce churn and directly affect the level of customer service provided.

Augment your QA and get a holistic view of employee performance

Automatically analyse 100% of your customer interactions to identify best practices to adopt across the board. Simultaneously, pinpoint areas that agents are having trouble with so you can personalise training and coaching.

Build good culture among agents and leaders

Limit frustration and employee churn with advanced sentiment and acoustic analytics that allows managers and team leaders to intervene in case of negative interactions.

Turn conversations into understanding

Collect feedback to identify areas of opportunities to better meet employee expectations

Gain crucial insights into employee engagement and wellbeing

Identify best practice and key areas that need further training for improved employee engagement, revenue and customer experience

Conversation Analytics - Unlock every conversation with Call Journey CI

The best way to understand your customers is to really listen to what they are saying. Listening to all those conversations is now simple, secure and affordable.

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